With excitement mounting about the production of Arsenic and Old Lace
With excitement mounting about the production of Arsenic and Old Lace we are collecting costumes, props and studying lines.
Rehearsals begin on 30 January and will be regular until opening night on the 13 April. Dot Ward is the Director, a person of considerable experience both in directing and acting and as our foundation Dramaturg.
This is a challenging play, a fast-paced black comedy with some unique characters. They include two sweet ladies who do away with their potential boarders, their nephew who believes he is Teddy Roosevelt, another nephew who is dangerous, a doctor who does plastic surgery and an engaged theatre critic plus several others.
On 21 February we will have a general meeting to chose a new director, a committee member, a Treasurer and directors of the various areas we operate with, technical, publicity, professional development, artistic and short play coordinator.