The Peach Season – Audition
The BTC is looking for actors for their first production for 2022, The Peach Season by Debra Oswald and directed by Paulina Kelly. It will be performed May Thurs 26th– Sun 29th (5 shows – 2 performances on Saturday).
Audition details: The Bates Hall
265 Great Western Hwy, Blackheath. (Entry to hall on Gardiners Rd)
Weds 9 February 6pm-9pm 30min slots
Thurs 10 February 6m-9pm 30min slots
Contact Stage Manager – Nette Batty on 0422 116 088 to book audition appointment.
Prepare: Scenes from the play will be emailed to auditioning actors. No need to learn the piece but familiarity with it is expected. The play is set on an Australian peach farm – relationships with those we love and our inner desires to protect them drive this intriguing play.
There six roles to be cast (age range in brackets):
Dorothy: (60+) mother of Joe and neighbor to Celia. She is Hungarian so an accent will be required. Wise and gentle storyteller of the play. Appreciates what is happening around her but remains merely an observer.
Celia: (35 – 50) a mid-forties woman and mother to Zoe, kind and approachable but remains an observant and protective mother.
Zoe: (18-22) 16 year old who grew up on a peach farm. Now desperately wanting to leave the clutches of her mother to experience life and what it can offer, so when Kieran, an energetic force, enters, she finds her escape.
Kieran: (18-25) naïve, energetic. He instantly falls in love with Zoe. Has been in trouble with the law. Wants to get his life straight but is torn by Zoe’s desire to explore opportunities.
Sheena: (22-30) sister to Kieran, feisty and determined to keep her brother from getting into trouble with law again.
Joe: (35-50) son of Dorothy and friend to Celia. Helpful and easy going. His loveless marriage is falling apart and Dorothy never forgets to remind him.